What is a Facebook pixel and why do you need It?

Social Media

If you’re familiar with Facebook advertising or plan to use them in the future – Facebook Pixel is something you should be taking advantage of NOW. The Pixel will help you get the most from your advert budgets, so what are you waiting for?

What is a Facebook Pixel?

The Facebook Pixel is a piece of code that is placed on your website. It collects user data, especially visits, and helps you track conversions from Facebook ads, optimise their performance and build targeted marketing audiences.

It works by triggering cookies to track website visitors and follow them to the social media platform (not as scary as it sounds).

If you’ve considered the Pixel in the past you may well be aware that there used to be 2 kinds; the conversion and the custom audience pixel. This was ended in 2017 with the termination of the conversion Pixel, meaning the whole process is a lot more streamlined.

Why you need the Facebook Pixel

Essentially it provides important information that you can use to create more cost-efficient Facebook advertising. The Pixel ensures your ads are seen by the people most likely to take action, meaning you improve your ROI.

Even if you’re not using Facebook ads yet, you should install the Pixel now. It will start collating data straight away so you won’t have a blank canvas when you come round to starting.

Using Conversion Tracking

You can you Facebook Pixel to see how users interact with your site after viewing an advert. You can even track them across device. This way you can see if your advert was viewed on mobile, but the purchase made on desktop – highlighting any catch points in your sales flow.


Facebook’s re-targeting Pixel data and dynamic ads allow you to show ads only to people who have previously visited your site. Then you can go microscopic – only showing ads for a product that someone left abandoned in their basket or added to their Wishlist on you site.

Create A Look-a-like Audience

Facebook can identify similar users by interest and hobbies submitted in their user profile and highlight those who appear similar to your site visitors.

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